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You Must Say “No!”

You’ve read the diet books, perhaps joined a slimming club or gym, even gone online and bought weight loss drugs. Worse still, you’ve briefly lost weight and then put it back on and added more pounds. Losing weight is very...

Square Mile Tales

Prepare yourself for a helta-skelta ride around the City of London. Experience what media tycoon and fraudster Robert Maxwell was really like, up close, imagine having dinner with controversial Conservative Member of Parliament Nadine Dorries, become enraged by the secret...

North Sea Rising

The setting is the British Isles, but not the British Isles as we know them today. The brutal impact of the United Kingdom’s withdrawal from the EU, together with the ever accelerating effects of global warming, Russian aggression in Ukraine,...

The Novella Nostalgia Collection: Book One

Novella Nostalgia is a selection of ten stories penned individually by a collection of critically acclaimed authors. The series is launching its first compilation book featuring novellas from B. J. Sandiford, R. M Cartmel, Oliver Richbell and the creator of...




THIS MAN MATTERS: hurry up WES and win the General Election

Wed, 12th June 2024

Amongst the drivel being churned out by increasingly desperate politicians two statements made in recent days have merit. Nigel Farage, in a TV panel show, said “the NHS model is broken.” He has no idea what to do about it, so boo-hoo to power-crazed Nigel. However, step forward Wes Streeting (Labour: Ilford North) who will […]

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Scandal that shames the British State

Mon, 27th May 2024

This is one of the many headlines covering the ‘Tainted Blood Scandal’. Our hearts go out to the relatives of the 3,000+ who have died, those still suffering and the abject failure to pay compensation. This is what PM Sunak said: ‘A day of shame for the British State. Sir Brian Longstaff’s report illustrated a […]

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The author of ‘You Must Say No!”’ publishes an article on LinkedIn

Fri, 10th May 2024

HOW TO SOLVE THE OBESITY CRISIS: SERVE LOBSTER, EAT 30 PLANTS A WEEK or ‘Bouffe la moitie’. It’s May madness time as far as the nation’s obsession with remedies that have little or no effect on the NHS’s weighty challenges. As ultra-processed food manufacturers simply laugh at Government threats to pass legislation, the take-away food […]

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‘You Must Say No!” is creating interest

Thu, 18th April 2024

The Overweight/Obesity Crisis: the People’s fightback begins here! The Establishment’s faltering attempts to contain the overweight/obesity epidemic was summed up by a GB NEWS commentator who said “sort out the obesity crisis and you’ll solve many of the NHS problems.” Government is paralysed with inertia and chooses not to control the ultra-processed food manufacturers, the […]

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