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THIS MAN MATTERS: hurry up WES and win the General Election

Wed, 12th June 2024

Amongst the drivel being churned out by increasingly desperate politicians two statements made in recent days have merit. Nigel Farage, in a TV panel show, said “the NHS model is broken.” He has no idea what to do about it, so boo-hoo to power-crazed Nigel. However, step forward Wes Streeting (Labour: Ilford North) who will […]

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Scandal that shames the British State

Mon, 27th May 2024

This is one of the many headlines covering the ‘Tainted Blood Scandal’. Our hearts go out to the relatives of the 3,000+ who have died, those still suffering and the abject failure to pay compensation. This is what PM Sunak said: ‘A day of shame for the British State. Sir Brian Longstaff’s report illustrated a […]

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The author of ‘You Must Say No!”’ publishes an article on LinkedIn

Fri, 10th May 2024

HOW TO SOLVE THE OBESITY CRISIS: SERVE LOBSTER, EAT 30 PLANTS A WEEK or ‘Bouffe la moitie’. It’s May madness time as far as the nation’s obsession with remedies that have little or no effect on the NHS’s weighty challenges. As ultra-processed food manufacturers simply laugh at Government threats to pass legislation, the take-away food […]

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‘You Must Say No!” is creating interest

Thu, 18th April 2024

The Overweight/Obesity Crisis: the People’s fightback begins here! The Establishment’s faltering attempts to contain the overweight/obesity epidemic was summed up by a GB NEWS commentator who said “sort out the obesity crisis and you’ll solve many of the NHS problems.” Government is paralysed with inertia and chooses not to control the ultra-processed food manufacturers, the […]

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We are pleased to announce the publication of a book being described by Amazon as ‘phenomenal’.

Fri, 16th February 2024

‘You Must Say “No!”’ is the diary kept by author Tony Drury who lost thirty pounds in sixty-three days over Christmas and New Year. He has created a new diet which is attracting attention.

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City Fiction announces that author Dr Dick (R M Cartmel) died in his sleep at home in Peterborough on Saturday 5 August 2023.

Tue, 8th August 2023

He wrote six books and his final dystopian murder mystery ‘North Sea Rising’ was described by respected Amazon reviewer Candy Denman as ‘thoroughly engaging and full of humour’. He had been working on his professional biography ‘Next Patient Please’ telling of his thirty years as a GP in the NHS.

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City Fiction breaks new ground by signing up with ‘The Bill Podcast’

Tue, 1st August 2023

City Fiction is now a co-sponsor of ‘The Bill Podcast’ and an extensive interview has been launched featuring Natalie Roles who interviews author Tony Drury about his DCI Sarah Rudd police series and his latest book, ‘Square Mile Tales’. Creator and Founder Oliver Crocker has written the following about the audience which ‘The Bill Podcast’ […]

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Respected Amazon reviewer delivers her opinion on ‘Square Mile Tales’.

Fri, 14th July 2023

The vastly experienced Amazon book reviewer Linda McFall (@lindyloumac) has posted her thoughts on Tony Drury’s autobiography. ‘Fascinating and Informative. Four stars. 5 July 2023: I have read and always enjoyed this authors fiction writing, also having met him a few years ago I was curious to read his autobiography. Knowing a little of his […]

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The reader opinions are mounting up for ‘Square Mile Tales’

Mon, 12th June 2023

More four and five-star reviews are being posted on Amazon Books. The following four-star review was posted on 8 June 2023. Name-Dropper Extraordinaire! Over the last few years I’ve read a fair number of Tony Drury’s books and they’re all a good yarn. He certainly knows how to tell a good story. The difference here […]

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‘Square Mile Tales’ grabs several 5 star reviews

Wed, 24th May 2023

Amazon 5 stars: Heavy Duty Name Dropping from someone who know! I know nothing of banking and corporate finance, but I have heard of many of the characters that the writer has met and dealt with over the course of his long career, and it made for fascinating reading. I love a book where I […]

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